Implementing Smarter City Solutions enables cities to be more agile and flexible in addressing their priority objectives by laying the foundations for future urban development.
Urban Development

Urban Development

Smart Cities solutions facilitate the smart delivery of a City’s urban development and other objectives for governance, urban planning, commercial, environmental, security, social programs, water and electricity, healthcare, education and transport.




Smart Cities is a fully integrated and interconnected solution based on tried and tested IBM Software already in use in other complex Smart City projects; leveraging IBM’s Extensive software Expertise in this area.


BEtter Life

Better Life

Smart Cities is designed to enable the City to understand its citizens and what they want. It enables the proactive provision of location and citizen sensitive suggestions on where they might best enjoy their city’s culture, be entertained, dine or just have a good time.


More Personal

More Personal

 Smart Cities enables Cities to provide focused smart services based on what people want to do, where and when they want to go and by what form of transport.



The Internet of Things has the potential to fundamentally shift the way we interact with our surroundings. The ability to monitor and manage objects in the physical world electronically makes it possible to bring data-driven decision making to new realms of human activity—to optimize the performance of systems and processes, save time for people and businesses, and improve quality of life.

McKinsey & Company

Devices & Networks

Data is the lifeblood of any Cognitive IoT solution. Digital technologies (Sensors, instruments and monitoring devices) are being embedded into many objects, systems and processes. All these data gathering and sharing devices act as access points to the network, a network which has to be secure, smart and reliable.

Interconnected Data

Data is collated from all network connected devices (smart and dumb), integrated for deep analysis on the cloud. Leveraging the data generated by digital technology provides intelligence to help us do things better, improve our responsiveness and ability to predict and optimize for future events.


Our Smart Cities Analytics will draw insight from this integrated, dynamically updated data allowing for the identification of patterns, anomalies and correlations. In this globalized, networked world, people, systems, objects and processes will communicate with one another in entirely new ways; making Smart Cities Cognitive.

Cognitive IoT Expertise

Our experts in the implementation of Smart Cities solutions have years of experience in implementing many real world Smart Cities projects. They would guide organisations and communities from initial concept through to delivery. Our experts will use reliable Big Data Analytics to draw insight from this integrated, dynamically updated data enabling the identification of opportunities, anomalies, trends and correlations in the data; providing this new information to management as reports and dashboards.



Mobile Applications enable a widespread dissemination of the must-see destinations and attractions in the country, cities and towns as well as broadcast all commercial offers and incentives linked to tourism and retail outlets

Citizen Sensor

Those using the Applications would then enable the Smart City to understand the opinion of both tourists and the greater community.


Tracking and recording visitor behaviour from their mobiles allows for the creation of an even richer experience for when they share their tastes and preferences, regular places of visit, best deals and areas of mass assembly.

Big data and Analytics

Turns perception into fact while providing valuable insight into trends; highlighting positive and negative aspects for rectification or actions to be repeated.

On-going operations

Enables implementation and access from one or more locations with connectivity to the Data / Command / Monitoring Centre of the town’s “Smart City” service.

Strategic Partnership

IBM has worldwide experience in the provision of Smart Cities solutions. IBM provides the best solution set required to create any “Smarter City”; enhanced with SI Applications and other key Software Components. IBM delivered Smart City projects in

San Francisco, California

San Francisco, California; a project for sustainable water management and intelligence

Wave City, India

Designed to enable Smart urban planning.

Montpellier, France

Urban services for their citizens.

Zhenjiang, China

To inform the transformation of the public transport system.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

An integrated information system for real-time management of public security and prediction of natural disasters.